If you followed Wendy’s campaign last time, read a canvas card or social media post, or spoke with her on your doorstep, the odds are you know what some of her goals were if elected.
So how did she measure up? Did she do the things she said she’d do, even during a global pandemic?
Here’s a list of some of those goals and progress towards them:
‘Commit to Reconciliation and meaningful partnership with local First Nations’
Wendy is very proud of council’s commitment to meaningful actions toward reconciliation and decolonization. There is a ton of work to do and striving towards reconciliation needs to weave through all we do as a community. Here are actions taken this term towards the ongoing work of reconciliation:
- Reconciliation is one of the four cardinal directions of the new Official Community Plan
- Adoption of the Cultural Heritage Policy – K’omoks First Nation’s standards and procedures for the management of archaeological sites
- Unanimous adoption of Wendy’s resolution regarding becoming an Anti-Racist city and including training to council during the orientation process
- Unanimous adoption of Wendy’s resolution on Anti-Discrimination and Response to Act of Hate
- Partnership with K’omoks First Nation and Project Watershed on the Kus kus sum project, to restore the site to pre-colonial state with K’omoks First Nation to have majority ownership of the site
- Advocacy on the Regional District Board to development of a Reconciliation Framework
- Regular collaboration and consultation with K’omoks First Nation council regarding common projects and initiatives, infrastructure, archaeological protections, and relationship building
‘Protect our urban forests, rivers, streams, and estuary’
- Adoption and implementation of Urban Forest Strategy and Tree Retention Bylaw
- Unanimous council support for Councillor Hillian’s resolution of extension of riparian protection zones
- Recommendation that stewardship groups be consulted in development projects. Although this is not mandatory, there has been great success and buy-in with this practice.
- Ongoing council support for the Kus kus sum project
‘Advocate for youth voices and their unique needs’
Although Covid created some barriers to public engagement, some council members did connect regularly with the Comox Youth Climate Council and supported aspects of their comprehensive ‘Green New Deal’ – a document with targets and actions incorporating environmental sustainability, equity, and more.
After Arden Elementary students presenting pedestrian safety concerns to council several years ago to previous councils, the current council has directed staff to work on implementation of a pedestrian path along Lake Trail Road.
‘Encourage attracting new businesses, especially in the green energy and technology sectors’
This is an area that admittedly did not get much traction, particularly due to managing the impacts of the Covid pandemic. However, the new OCP provides a framework for potential growth in these sectors. Wendy will work toward supporting smart, environmentally-well-considered development opportunities going forward.
‘Promote practical and innovative water and waste management’
- Stormwater Management
- Coastal Flood Mapping
- Completion of Water Treatment Plant
- Modernization of waste collection and preparation for organics collection
‘Champion a wide range of housing options to provide safe, affordable housing for all, with emphasis on seniors’
- provided land to the M’Akola Society and BC Housing to build the Braidwood
- apartments (35 units) and the Junction (46 units) supportive housing project
- supported the Wachiay Friendship Centre on housing project for indigenous seniors (40 units)
- successfully lobbied BC Housing to proceed with Comox Valley Transition Society’s 2nd stage housing project (40 units) for women and children who have experienced violence.
- provided grants to Habitat for Humanity in support of their housing projects;
- lobbied the provincial government to provide more supportive housing, including offering City land – several meetings with Housing Minister Eby and MLA Ronna Rae Leonard
- negotiated provision of affordable units in market rental housing, now under construction